Experience, Trust, Results
The Proton Therapy Center Czech s.r.o. (PTCC), which is part of the National Cancer Center, has established itself as a professional, efficient and expert institution during its eleven years of operation and has gained international recognition as a major cancer treatment and diagnostic centre. Over 12 000 cancer patients have been treated with proton therapy at the centre, which focuses on the treatment and diagnosis of a range of cancers, including prostate cancer, breast cancer, head and neck cancer, lung cancer, lymphomas, sarcomas, paediatric tumours and adult and paediatric central nervous systém tumours. It is a member of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology ESTRO and actively collaborates with other cancer centres across the EU. The PTCC includes a cancer diagnostics centre using modern diagnostic methods (digital PET/CT, MRI and CT). The PTCC supports science and research, both within the Czech Republic and in collaboration with international institutions. The centre is significantly involved in cutting-edge research exploring new treatment methods. . Frequent publishing of scientific articles and treatment results in prestigious international journals, presentation of results and innovations at international conferences and and the development and establishment of new clinical protocols confirm the expertise and professionalism of PTCC and its commitment to advancing the possibilities and quality of treating cancer patients.