Proton Therapy Group
We have the will and knowledge to help people

new proton

We put maximum
effort into
joint projects

The cornerstone of your new proton center would be laid within months of initiating mutual cooperation with us. We bring together all aspects of design, financing, establishment and the launch of proton center operations utilizing an efficient, streamlined approach.
Our experts provide technology initiation and establish the attributes of therapeutic procedures. Together we train a new team of experts, who will continue to spread our mission of healthy and satisfied patients.

professional approach


From the company founders

With the most progressive cancer treatment technologies and treatment results, our proton center ranks among the leading centers in the world. Today, we can therefore share our expertise with our partners, in all areas of project implementation, from architectural studies, construction management, project financing, the provision of advanced technologies for cancer diagnosis and treatment, setting up of treatment processes, training of human resources to full clinical operation.

Václav Laštovka,
CEO Proton Therapy Center

Mutual cooperation

Our expertise, acquired through the establishment of a modern proton center in Prague – the PTC, a unique European medical facility for the treatment of oncological patients – allows us to streamline project preparation, thus enabling the entire project to be managed efficiently.

We have formed a consortium with leading manufacturers. Now we are actively involved in trials and the placement of new technologies into clinical practice. Our long-term support for science and research has resulted in the implementation of new treatment procedures and innovations. This aids us in achieving excellent medical results and improves the quality of life of patients following their successful treatment. In addition to treatment, the new center is expected to become a base for medical research, science and education.

Pavel Laštovka,
CEO Proton Therapy Center


Experience, Trust, Results

The Proton Therapy Center Czech s.r.o. (PTCC), which is part of the National Cancer Center, has established itself as a professional, efficient and expert institution during its eleven years of operation and has gained international recognition as a major cancer treatment and diagnostic centre. Over 12 000 cancer patients have been treated with proton therapy at the centre, which focuses on the treatment and diagnosis of a range of cancers, including prostate cancer, breast cancer, head and neck cancer, lung cancer, lymphomas, sarcomas, paediatric tumours and adult and paediatric central nervous systém tumours. It is a member of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology ESTRO and actively collaborates with other cancer centres across the EU. The PTCC includes a cancer diagnostics centre using modern diagnostic methods (digital PET/CT, MRI and CT). The PTCC supports science and research, both within the Czech Republic and in collaboration with international institutions. The centre is significantly involved in cutting-edge research exploring new treatment methods. . Frequent publishing of scientific articles and treatment results in prestigious international journals, presentation of results and innovations at international conferences and and the development and establishment of new clinical protocols confirm the expertise and professionalism of PTCC and its commitment to advancing the possibilities and quality of treating cancer patients.


From ideas
to successful implementation

Ideas to clinical launch
in 40 months 


We move together from an idea to its successful implementation

Our joint steps from the proton center study to successful implementation: Architectural study • Technological study on diagnostic and treatment technology for medical care provision • Capacity study – design according to the required capacity for oncological care • Urbanistic study • Investment plan • Preliminary budget • Comprehensive business plan • Project financing models • Pricing policy model for medical care provision • Concept of securing payments for medical care provision • Establishment of management team for project implementation by specialization and expertise required • Human resources • Staff training • Service team establishment • IT systems implementation • Setting attributes of therapeutic procedures •


We will build
the most advanced
clinical center
in the world

  • The most advanced clinical center in the world
  • Medical care of the highest quality
  • Client-oriented approach
  • Sophisticated management processes and the utilization of advanced IT systems for the collection of quality indicator data
  • Capacity of up to 2500 patients per year
  • Technologies and treatments set to achieve excellent results
  • Extensive experience in implementing new technologies and medical standards into the healthcare system
  • Partnerships with private and public health insurance companies under contract
  • Development and running of new centers

Preparation is the most
important step

Key milestones for establishing Proton centers

The initiation of the proton center operation

  • The initiation of the physical operation of proton center technology
  • The initiation of trial processes
  • The initiation of the clinical operation
  • The initiation of the proton center operation to its full planned capacity

PTG today

  • Provide patients in your country with access to proton treatment in modern center
  • Have a head start and secure a strong market position
  • Initiate dialog with professionals and the general public
  • Develop your reputation as a leader in radiation oncology


Planning » Designing » Building » Operation initiation » Service

Our team of architects, technologists and experts in the implementation of medical facilities can produce complete documents in record time.

Our team‘s experience in the design and implementation of new proton centers enables us to prepare a detailed investment plan including an architectural study within 5 months of receipt of all required documents.

This documentation is further used to determine a detailed budget and a project completion timetable.


Let’s take the first step together today

Our partnerships are operated through joint ventures or PPP projects. We are also able to assist you with the successful implementation of a proton center as a partner for comprehensive service delivery.

Our partners are private sector subjects and governments.

We actively engage and cooperate with prestigious universities and oncological centers through our international programs, including our oncological program for malignant pediatric tumors and treatment programs for head and neck tumors, lymphomas, and breast tumors, as well as prostate, lung and brain tumors.

Our experience is applied
in the development, construction
and operation of proton centers
around the world.

Let’s lay the foundation for successful cooperation TODAY

We support science and research in coordination with other major educational institutions. Spolu

Deliver a new future with our know-how

We propose sharing our knowledge and skills throughout the establishment of a state-of-the-art proton therapy center in your chosen country. We are set to undertake work on the project and to integrate as well as implement the processes necessary for the effective launch of a new proton center.

We are primed and ready to cooperate with you in the following areas:

  • Finding a suitable location and securing appropriate building approvals
  • Architectural design of interior and exterior spaces
  • The challenging medical technology of proton therapy
  • Center logistics
  • Project planning and processing
  • Financing
  • Professional training of staff in order to provide the highest quality care
  • Human resource management
  • Selection of therapeutic indications (i.e. the types of tumors suitable and treatable with proton therapy)
  • Building relationships and cooperation with other oncological centers
  • Establishing modern educational institutions and exploring new fields of research

Human resources – The foundation for success

Training and forming a professional, knowledgeable and experienced team is the key to success. This is the only way to provide quality service, and achieve excellent treatment results we ensure continuous operations by servicing sensitive advanced technology and implementing IT systems for flawless logistics and maximum capacity utilization.

Our partners are free to participate in international workshops, long-term internships and education programs for all staff – from customer service and marketing to medical professionals. We enable such experience on site at our reference project – the advanced proton center in Prague.

Professional training

We employ leading specialists in their respective fields, and in doing so we guarantee a highly professional approach. We support the development of radiation oncology and other oncological disciplines through close cooperation with leading international universities and educational institutions supporting science and research.

We provide:

  • A comprehensive training program for medical personnel in the field of radiation oncology
  • Nuclear physics training, the imaging and planning of certification systems, and accreditation processes
  • Training programs in the fields of communication ethics and intercultural communication

We do things which benefit
others first

Our experience offers
leading specialists
for new proton centers

Our mission
satisfied patients

Proton Therapy

+420 222 998 997

Proton Therapy
Czech Center

+420 222 999 000

Copyright © Proton Therapy Group